Version Exclusive Pokémon

This page lists all the Pokémon exclusive to each version of Pokémon Black/White.

Black Exclusives White Exclusives
Weedle Caterpie
Kakuna Metapod
Beedrill Butterfree
Murkrow Paras
Houndour Parasect
Houndoom Misdreavus
Shroomish Poochyena
Breloom Mightyena
Plusle Minun
Volbeat Illumise
Honchkrow Mismagius
Cottonee Petilil
Whimsicott Lilligant
Gothita Solosis
Gothorita Duosion
Gothitelle Reuniclus
Vullaby Rufflet
Mandibuzz Braviary
Tornadus Thundurus
Reshiram Zekrom

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