New Blog Design

As may be obvious to those who have visited us before, The Pika Club has just got a redesign. While it’s not as pretty as before, a new design was needed for a while as a lot of important information on the old design was not very easy to come by.

It’s still not complete yet and some minor things will be changing here and there over the coming days but it should not cause much of an inconvenience and everything will work as normal in the meantime.

So while we’re at it, TPC needs a new banner! Think you can do better than the current one of Ash? (The answer is yes!) Well then, now’s your chance to prove it! We need a 576×181 banner for this blog. The only requirements are it have a transparent background and roughly fit in with the current website design. To submit an entry, simply upload it somewhere (eg and then comment on this article including the link to your banner. The winning banner will be used on this blog!