Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from The Pika Club to everyone who celebrates and a happy holidays to everyone else! For those of you that are Adoption Agency members, you should check out the latest update on the AA’s index page for a Christmas gift.

For our non-Adoption Agency viewers we have not been keeping up with the latest Pokémon news very well for which I apologise. We completely failed to inform you of the latest upcoming Pokémon game, Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition. This is a SRPG which sees you help conquer imperial Japan with the aid of Pokémon! Check out the trailer below:


We shall attempt to keep you abreast of the latest news but both administrators are incredibly busy with their lives in general. I am in my final year at university so must devote most of my energy to that, meaning that I cannot devote as much time to TPC as I would like. Most of my focus with The Pika Club is now aimed at the Adoption Agency. If you would like to help out The Pika Club by providing news updates and/or Pokémon content for us then please do contact us.

Pokémon Musicals Guide Added

We’ve now got a guide up for Pokémon Musicals in Pokémon Black/White. While they’re not as involved as contests, your participation is required in them if you wish to complete your Trainer Card and they are a fun distraction from the main game. Given the lack of information on Pokémon Musicals despite the length of time Pokémon Black/White has been out I hope this guide is useful.

Click here to go to the Pokémon Musicals Guide.

New Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green Section + Pokémon Gold/Silver & Black/White

After the working Pokédex the next most popular option on our poll (located on the right hand menu) is more information on old games. As such I have been doing just that today and have added a Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green section. More information including other games coming soon.

Edit: We now also have a Pokémon Gold/Silver Section.

Edit 2: We’ve also added a Daily/Weekly Events page to our Pokémon Black/White Game Guides section.

PHPokédex – Pokemon Black/White Pokedex – Finally Released!


A screenshot from the PHPokédex

As the most requested addition to the site I am proud to present The Pika Club’s very own fully functioning Pokédex, called the PHPokédex. This has been in the works for literally years ( work started around Gen III) so both myself and WhoKnows_WhoCares are very relieved that this thing is finally live.

Being live of course does not mean being completed – it is far from done! But it does contain arguably the most valuable data you could want from a Pokédex and it’s fully up to date for Pokémon Black/White. Enjoy and let us know what you think!

Adoption Agency v1.4 Update

The Pika Club Adoption Agency has recently been updating to v1.4, 5 days ahead of schedule! This new update includes:

  • Boxes – You can now create multiple customisable boxes in order to help organise your Pokémon. You’re also able to share and show off these boxes so your friends can see your collection!
  • Generational Pokémon – You’re now able to catch Pokémon from different generations, complete with the correct sprites! Currently only Generation I and Generation V Pokémon are supported but more will come in future updates!
  • Tabulated Profiles – Your profile now includes tabs so visitors can not only view your party but also your boxes and unlocked achievements!
  • More Pokémon and achievements – What it says on the tin!

Enjoy this latest update, the next one should be in summer sometime around June/July!

Adoption Agency v1.3 Update

Happy new year everybody! As we enter 2011 The Pika Club will be 12 years old in November this year! What better way to celebrate the new year than with the release of the next Adoption Agency update? This new update features, amongst other things:

  • Breeder levels – In addition to levelling up your Pokémon you now gain experience and level up! Experience is gained just by using the Adoption Agency and doing things like interacting with Pokémon. Certain features and perhaps Pokémon will only be accessible once you reach a certain level.
  • Ranks and perks – Every set amount of breeder levels you now gain access to ‘perks’. You’ll get 3 perks to choose from and these will alter your experience of the Adoption Agency, like permanently increasing your chance of acquiring shinies or raising the amount of times your Pokémon can be interacted with each day. Each perk includes a rank which goes by your username and helps ensure everyone using the Adoption Agency has a different experience.
  • Karma – Just like every game in existence now you will come across options on the Adoption Agency where you will have a choice of what to do. Whether you are good or bad will affect your ability to access certain features/Pokémon.
  • Money – This was probably bound to happen at some point but money will now be included, which you can acquire from interacting with Pokémon amongst other things.
  • More sharing options – This was requested by some people who said that breeder cards are too big for some sites, so now you can share individual Pokémon as well.
  • Alerts – Now when someone levels up your Pokémon, accepts a trade of yours or when an egg hatches you’ll be alerted! No need to go checking individual pages to see if anyone’s accepted that trade yet or wonder if your egg has hatched!
  • Trade Centre Overhaul – Numerous new features have been added to the trade centre and others redone, for example you may now specify a gender preference when you choose which Pokémon you wish to receive, you can more easily search for Pokémon you want and trades have a 1 month automatic expiry date.

Merry Christmas from The Pika Club!

Merry Christmas from The Pika Club! We hope you’ve had a great year and are looking forward to 2011 and the release of Pokémon Black/White in the west!

If you’re a user of our Adoption Agency we also have a gift for you. Please use Firefox/Opera/Chrome (basically not Internet Explorer) for maximum prettiness! Login and go to this address:

Merry Christmas from The Pika Club!

Adoption Agency ‘Berrytastic’ Update

The Pika Club Adoption Agency has just been updated once again adding some more new features. This update is probably almost as unexpected for me as it is for anyone who reads this and plays the Adoption Agency as I had originally said that the ‘Water Stone’ update was the last update until winter. It was the plan, but I didn’t feel the Adoption Agency was quite substantial enough to last 3 months without an update. With this update I’ve added some more features with the aim of giving the Adoption Agency some more replay value. Here are some of the new features:

Shiny Pokémon – Yes, for the first time ever on The Pika Club we now have shiny Pokémon! Not even TPC RPG had these. Shiny Pokémon, like in the games, are obtained by chance while breeding. Don’t worry if you’ve got a non-breedable Pokémon you want a shiny version of however – there is a way to turn Pokémon you’ve already obtained shiny!

Berries – After the addition of items last update come berries, which this update is named after. Berries play quite a large role in the new Adoption Agency, having numerous effects on your Pokémon. You can also grow berries yourself.

Bug Catching Contest – Yet another new feature is the Bug Catching Contest, set in the National Park. This is a contest that runs every day with the aim of catching the strongest bug Pokémon you can. What sets this feature apart from others however is in the Bug Catching Contest your opponents are other players!

Of course along with a new update comes new additions to old features! No new achievements have been added this time, but there have been nearly 30 base Pokémon added in this update not including their evolutions or the newly added trade/happiness evolution methods. Adding those we’re around the 200 mark for Pokémon released! Some of the newly released Pokémon include:

This is a short overview of the latest update. For a more detailed overview, including more new features, click here.