New Download Pokemon

Hey look, I’m doing news again. We don’t have a lot of time for doing news so if anybody can help us out, drop one of us admins a PM on the forums or send us an email (address found on the contacts page) – you could really help us out.

Ok, first off lets get with the little piece of news out of the way. Remember Pokepark on the Wii? Well it’s getting a sequel. Already released in Japan at the tail end of last year, Europeans can expect to get thier hands on the new game, called Pokepark 2: Wonders beyond from March 23rd. No word on a US date of release. Pokepark 2 plays much like its predecessor, but instead of playing as just Pikachu, this time around you get to play as Snivy, Tepig and Oshawott as well as the Electric Mouse Pokemon.

Ok, now for the bit most of you might really be interested in. Got Black or White? Want a Mewtwo? If the Answer is yes to both these questions then congrats, because from February 12th both American and European games (and most likely Australian copies as well) will be able to download the first Legendary Pokemon via Wi-fi. Want to know what its like, check out this pic

At level 70, Mewtwo is in a Cherish ball with a Premier Ribbon attached (meaning no trading on the GTS). It knows Electro Ball, which it can’t normally learn, check it out, Shadow Ball and its signiture move Psystrike.

No date as been set for the end of this distriution but I doubt it will be up for long – So make sure to get it when you can

EDIT 7 Feb: We now know the end date of this promotion. It is available until Sunday 26th February… so download it quickly