Pokemon Sunday Info

So Pokemon Sunday made thier big announcment this week, the one that everyone knew before it was officially confirmed… Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon Soul Silver will be in Japanese stores by the end of the year. And that’s about all they said. They didn’t really reveal anything else, so we all hope that CoroCoro Magazine will do that later this week.

What Pokemon Sunday did show was a brief clip of the new game, so we can see just what the new game will look like. for a comparison, i’ve gotten a shot of how the original game looked when you played it on a Game Boy Colour on the left, while the right picture shows you how the new game will look on your DS… and it looks GOOD

How it use to look, and how it does now

How it use to look, and how it does now

You’ll notice that there’s a little green blob following our main hero. That’s a Chikorita and in the clip, this little green starter followed the main character around town. Is this just a temporary thing in the game, or will this work like it used to with Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow? Only time and additional info will answer that. More pictures follow the link, including some new art of the 3 starters… we’ll bring you more info on the games when we learn it.

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Gold and Silver Remakes Announced Early

It happens every time, you tell everybody that you’ll make an important announcement soon and just before you do someone goes and announces it for you.

It happened to Pokemon this week, as their planned announcement on Sunday of new DS games has already been leaked on the web. Japanese Yahoo made an article stating the new games to be made, and Pokemon Official Japanese website has confirmed it.

Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon Soul Silver will be released in Japan later this year, and that’s all we really know at this point (although check out the cool logo’s above for the games). Hopefully Pokemon Sunday will expand on what the games will be (other than a remake of Gold and Silver using Diamond/Pearl’s graphics and the implemented features introduced after those games.) If Pokemon Sunday doesn’t mention much more, next week sees a new issue of Coro Coro Magazine, so that should give us more info.

I’ll update with more when I learn it

New Pokemon Game to be Announced

We’ve gotten reports out of Japan that something big is about to go down in the Pokemon world.


Basically there was an announcement today that on next week’s Pokemon Sunday show (a Pokemon based variety show), they will be announcing something big in their games section. This announcement (although not 100% confirmed) is likely to do with a new game… a BRAND new game. Could this finally be about the Gold/Silver remake that has been hinted about since as far back as Diamond and Pearl was released? Yes it could… of course if could also be about a new ranger, mystery dungeon or even some other spin off (remember Trozi/Link?). That said, this autumn happens to be the 10th anniversary since G/S’s release in Japan (seriously… and it will be the 10th anni of R/B in the UK), so a G/S remake released about then would be timely.


On a side note: this announcement probably has nothing to do with a rumour that Nintendo had asked US game stockist ‘GameStop’ to reserve some space for a BIG game being released in the latter part of this year. Since Pokemon games have a longer space between being released in Japan and US than other franchises, a Japan release of autumn for a Pokemon game would not be available in the US until early spring, based off past years.


On a completely different note: US Platinum Players, don’t forget to get on Wi-Fi and download the Secret Key to be able to get Rotom to become other forms. You’ve only got until the 12th of May to do it, so if you haven’t done it yet, do it now. Japanese Platinum Players, that Oak’s letter is only going to be available till the 11th of May, so you need to hurry up as well


That’s all we have, we’ll update you on this news next week.