Twelfth Movie Pokemon Giveaway

Apologies for being late on this update as staff are currently pre-occupied with getting the Pokédex up and running as soon as possible.

Anyway, leaked scans from CoroCoro indicate that two Pokemon will be given away with the Twelfth Pokemon movie, Arceus: To A Conquering Spacetime, out in Japan on 18 July 2009. These two Pokemon are Arceus and a shiny Pichu.



The Pichu will be at level 30 and will come with the following moves:

  • Charm
  • Endeavor
  • Volt Tackle
  • Charge


Arceus will come at level 100 and will know the following moves:

  • Judgment
  • Roar of Time
  • Spacial Rend
  • Shadow Force

It will also be holding the Rowap Berry, the only berry so far unavailable through legitimate means.

The Pika Club Easter Updates

Hello to all!

Most of you are probably now on Easter holidays/Spring break and enjoying the free time it gives you. What does The Pika Club have in store this Easter to keep you inside glued to our website? Read on and find out!

The Pika Club is now on YouTube!

The Pika Club now has its own YouTube channel! You can find us at On this channel we will be adding playthroughs, reviews and much more. Be sure to subscribe!

New forum!

The forums have been reshuffled a bit and a new one added! The changes are listed below:

General Pokemon Discussion and Serious Pokemon Discussion have been merged into Pokemon Discussion.

Anime & Manga has changed to Entertainment.

Competitive Battling has been added, filling a hole in the TPC forums and finally giving people a place to discuss battling in a competitive environment.

The completion of the PHPokédex!

It has been a ridiculously long time coming but over the Easter weekend The Pika Club will finally see the release of the PHPokédex, a fully fleshed out Pokemon compendium detailing each Pokemon in incredible detail making it one of the most comprehensive Pokédexes on the web.

We at The Pika Club hope you all have an enjoyable Easter and we hope you’ll come join us over the holidays!