Clearer CoroCoro scans emerge

Courtesy of Japanese website, clearer magazine scans have been uploaded which reveal some more new information. Listed below is the new information, hit the jump for all of the clearer scans.

  • The Pokédex has a redesigned model and features two colours depending on the gender of the trainer, red for male and pink for female.
  • The touch screen is to feature more predominantely. You can organise your PC, Pokédex and bag items using the touch screen interface.
  • A large scan of the map of Johto suggests players can head west into Kanto. Whether Kanto features in HG/SS is unconfirmed but seems likely as Kanto featured in the original Gold/Silver games.
  • Confirmed! Any of the 493 Pokemon can follow you around and you can talk to them to see how they are feeling at any time.
  • The Pikachu-coloured Pichu given out at recent events in Japan will trigger an event featuring notch-eared Pichu in Ilex Forest, previous home to Celebi.
  • More information about the special event Jirachi has been revealed. It’s available as a WiFi download event in Japan at DS Download Stations and Nintendo Zone areas. Apparently if it’s traded to HG/SS, it will unlock something. Its stats are as follows:
    • Level 5 holding Liechi Berry
    • Knows Wish, Confusion, Rest, Draco Meteor
  • Lastly, pre-orders begin for the game on 4th July in Japan. If you pre-order Heart Gold, you will get a Ho-Oh figure. If you pre-order Soul Silver, you will get a Lugia figure. Pre-order both and you’ll get an Arceus figure.

Click the link below for pictures of all the scans.

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Latest Issue of CoroCoro brings new Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Info

The latest issue of CoroCoro has been leaked and with it comes 6 scans revealing new information and Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

First off, there is a promotional event involving Jirachi and McDonalds.
Jirachi McDonalds promotion

The scan discusses that Jirachi will be available at select McDonalds restaurants from June 19-July 17 for Diamond/Pearl/Platinum players. The bottom of the page reveals some pictures of the WiiWare Melee! Pokemon Scramble game and states that the game will be available for DS download play around the same time as theMcDonalds promotion.

Click the link below for much, much more info.

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Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver to come with Pedometer

Another Pokemon Sunday, another update regarding Heart Gold/Soul Silver. This time it’s a pedometer, in the same vain as the Pocket Pikachu from so long ago.



As you can see above, the design is taken after that of a regular Pokéball. It has three face buttons and a monochrome display. You can transmit one Pokemon from your Heart Gold/Soul Silver game to it via what is assumed to be (judging by the picture) an infrared sensor on your game card. As you walk around with the pedometer, your Pokemon gains experience points and happiness.  Mini-games will be included.

It’s unknown if this will be available outside of Japan as of yet.

New Pokemon Game Announced

And No, it’s NOT about Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

This is one that passed by E3, possibly due to the fact that at the moment, its only planned in Japan. The official Japanese Pokemon site has revealed that Pokemon is coming back to WiiWare on June 16 with Melee! Pokemon Scramble, a beat em up featuring a variaty of Pokemon. Modes include a Battle Royal where all Pokemon fight in an arena and a Story Mode, described as levels that end in a Giant Pokemon Boss Battle. multiplayer features a 2 player Co-Op and up to 4 player Staidum mode. You’ll also be able to take screen shots and send them to friends via the Wii’s message board

Players will be able to fully control thier Pokemon around the arenas and chose what attacks to use and when, its said that each Pokemon will have 2 special moves. More Pokemon to play as will be unlocked as you play through the story mode, as well as password being given out for more rarer Pokemon. The whole game will set Japanese Wii owners 1500 points

Pokemon Camping Gear

Pokemon is a hugely successful franchise worldwide but it’s particularly huge in Japan, where it is plastered on almost literally everything. Pokemon plane? Check. Pokemon X-ray machine? Check. And so now  Japan is getting ready for the release of Pokemon camping gear. Seems pretty normal compared to some of the stuff Pokemon has had its name plastered all over in the past.Camping gear

Camping gear

The gear goes on sale next month and includes sun shades, leisure play seats, mini-tables and a lantern.