Pokémon Sunday Videos

Pokémon Sunday aired in Japan last night and because it was revealing the new starters for black and white, it was an episode we paid attention to. Like with Zoroark last month, Pokémon Sunday didn’t reveal any new information that the leaked CoroCoro Magazine scan’s has already mentioned… However, the two video’s they showed of battle footage revealed a whole lot more.

It’s tough to explain exactly how different it is, the camera now moves around the battle field, zooming in and out, and the sprites are all animated – not just at the begining of the matches like previous games, but throughout

Since it needs to be seen to be believed – here’s a video showing Raikou verses Entei

As you can see, that also Showed Zoroark’s Illusion abillity in action. While it looks like your fighting Entai in both apearance and name, the Aura Sphere attack is supper effective, showing Zoroark is still a dark type underneath the illusion. Exactly how Zoroark picks which Pokémon to change into is unknown.

The second set of footage shown on Pokémon Sunday was their reveal of the Starters, the Heroes and Hiun City. Again, the battle footage shows the new changes to how they now look. Also shown is some Overworld footage, with the male trainer walking down a street. Notice three things about this piece of footage. One, there’s a LOT more people walking about, reflecting the populated look the city now looks like it has. Two, if one of the city residents walks into you, they will now move around you, rather than be fixed on a set path causing you to walk around them. The last thing it the text box that keeps poping up on screen. This is the NPC’s talking to you without you initiating contact by pressing A, could this apply to other people as well. Will shop keepers greet you when you enter the store, will interesting people you need to talk to call you over (like the past couple of Zelda games have), only time (and more footage) will tell.

That’s all that Pokémon Sunday had to reveal this week. More news from CoroCoro Magazine states that they will be revealing how to get Zorua in the games (breeding possibly if you have to catch Zoroark) and they will be revealing a new Pokémon, which means we’ll probably be doing all of this all over again next month.

The Official Japanese Website has updated its site with the new pictures from CoroCoro, we’ll try to add them to our Pokémon Black and White gallery on the site soon. Also we’ve opened up a Black and White section on the forums, so if you want to talk about ANYTHING relating to the new games, head here and talk about it in either an appropriate topic or by starting a new one.

That’s all we have for now, we’ll bring you more news when we learn it!

CoroCoro Leaked With Black and White Starters

Edit 13 May: confirmed info at bottom of post

Ok, before I start I just want to post something I thought I updated in the last news post on the anime show. Shortly after that post, tv guides from America named the new series of the DP saga as ‘Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors’ which also indicates it will finish the Sinnoh saga off. That begins airing in the USA on 22nd May on Cartoon Network. Meanwhile, in the UK, Disney XD has began advertising last weekend that they will be showing the 12th Movie, Arceus and the Jewel of Life on Friday 28th May, which is the Friday before the Bank Holiday. Right, with that out of the way, onto the news you’re probably here for.

Leaked scans of this months CoroCoro magazine are now emerging from Japan. They show the new starters for the game, which look a little weird (although I thought that about the 4th gen starters when I saw them first).

As you can see, I guessed the grass and fire starters the wrong way round. The fire starter looks like a rabbit crossed with a pig and the water one looks like abit like a sea otter or beaver (or a combo of the two), while the grass one is a bit lizard like.

Also revealed so far is that the new region will be called Isshu – which is further away than any other region so far (based on America maybe?). There’s artwork of a port city from the region (the same one from the footage from a few weeks ago by the looks of it). There is also artwork of the new trainers, and it says that they are older than the trainers have been in the past.

If you look closely at the wrists of the two new trainers, it looks like they’re wearing the new Poketch/Pokegear/Pokewhatever – also, am i the only one thinking the Female trainer is wearing some Latios inspired shorts?

The starters names have yet to be confirmed, and we won’t post them here until we can confirm them. We are also waiting on other info we expect from this months CoroCoro, such as how Zorua evolves into Zoroark.

We’ll edit this topic with new info and scans when they become available and confirmed to be legit. In the meantime, you can discuss anything about the new info in either the comments here or in This Topic on the forums.

Edit 13th May

We’ve finally got some new scans with some confirmed info. We’ll bring you the scans a little later, for now here’s what we know. The port city shown in the scan above is called Hiun City, there’s a massive 2 page artwork in CoroCoro on the city as well, which we’ve got below (sorry if they dont display side by side, this blog doesnt let me do that often for some reason).

The starters are have names and are: Tsutaaja, The Grass Snake Pokemon; Pokabu, The Fire Pig Pokemon and Mijumaru, the Sea Otter Pokemon. They will have the same abilities all other starters have had (Overgrow, Blaze and Torrent). Tsutaaja is listed as it is 0.6 m tall (2 ft) and it weighs 8.1 kg (about 17.9 lbs). Pokabu’s stats are 0.6 m tall (2 ft) while it weighs 9.9 kg (about 21.9 lbs). Mijumaru is 0.5 m tall (1.6 ft) and it weighs 5.9 kg (13 lbs). Interesting Side Note, Assuming that the starters and thier evolutions will be the next 9 Pokemon in the national dex after Arceus, Mijumaru will be number 500 in the national dex.

More details on Zoroark has also been revealed in the scans. Zoroark is catchable by an event unlocked with the shiny dogs given away for the 13th movie pre-order (although its unknown if just one is needed or all 3). It will be level 25. As you fight it, its New abilitiy kicks in. Called Illusion, it lets it apear as other Pokemon (how it works in battle and how it differs from the move Transform are unknown at this point). Only when Zoroark apears as itself will it be catchable. It’s unkown if it will be obtainable in any other way yet. Zoroark also has 2 new moves, Trickery, which the amount of damage given to the opponent depends on the opponents stats and Claw Sharpen, which will raise both attack and accuracy, a deadly combination. Zorua is also known to have the Illusion ability.

Here’s the rest of the scans, starting with Hiun City, then a page with some shots of Zoroark using his transform ability to change into an Entai, and then the 3 Profiles of the new starters

Dont forget, you can discuss your thoughts, ideas or theories on this news or anything to do with the new games either in the comments or in This Topic on the forums. We’ll bring you more news when we know it, or edit this if any more infor from CoroCoro is made known

Pokémon Sunday Teases Black and White Starters…

Pokémon Sunday has just aired in Japan and has revealed the new starters for the upcoming Pokémon Black and White games… sort of. Just like Zoroark, the show has shown a sillouete of the three Pokémon with the promise of revealing them fully next week.

As you can see above, assuming they will be keeping with the traditional grass-fire-water combo of the previous games, the top one shadow could be the grass starter, with a couple of leaves on its head and a curly tail. The bottom left kind of looks like its tale might be on fire, while the one on the right has a beavers like tail. Of course, that’s pure speculation on my part, and we wont know more until Next week’s Pokémon Sunday at the latest. I say at the latest as the new issue of CoroCoro is due out soon, and the information should be leaked out this week, so we could know more in the next couple of days.

If you want to make your own speculation about the new Pokémon, or about the new games in general, either comment below or head on over to our forums and talk about it in this topic

We’ll bring you more information when we learn it, and we’re hoping to learn it soon!!!

Pokémon Sunday shows Pokémon Black and White, and other news too

So this week’s Pokémon Sunday has just aired in Japan, and they’ve shown some footage of Black and White. Not much else has been revealed, which was expected, but they have confirmed that the city which has been shown in one of the screenshots will be in full 3D as you explore it, with the player walking around the outside of the city, the city rotates keeping the player in the center. This proves that the 3D aspect of the games will be greatly increased. They also commented on the Battle Screenshot which was shown in CoroCoro, and mentioned about how you could now see the whole of the back of the Pokémon sprite as well as the city shadowed in the background. We’ve got our hand on the video, as stated, it doesn’t really show much, but the walking around the city looks cool, you can see its surrounded by water and is that a pikachu billboard ontop of the Poké Center Skyskraper?

In other news, Acording to some websites, a booklet that comes with the Pre-order ticket for the 13th Movie, Ruler of Illusions Zoroark, reveals that the Pre-order download bonus of the Shiny Legendary Beasts will unlock something in the new Black and White games. This is interesting, not only that they will have a bonus to them, but that Black and White will be compatible to trade with the 4th Gen games. How exactly this will work is obviously unkown, however a Time Travel system was in place in the original Gold/Silver/Crystal allowing them to trade with Red/Blue/Yellow, and of course there’s been the more recent Pal Park system in the 4th Gen games. Of course, an entirly new method may also be made up, its too early to tell.

Lastly, you may rememeber a Wii game called ‘Poképark Wii: Pikachu’s Great Adventure’ – if you don’t, don’t worry. It sort of slipped under the radar, even in Japan. However news is coming out of Australia that Nintendo has sent the game to the OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification) to get an Age rating for the game. This is good news that the game is being released outside of Japan, and more so to People in the UK as not only will there be an English Language version, but Australia uses the PAL system like the UK does, which means the games will work on UK Wii Systems, so even if there’s no offical release, we should be able to get and play the game.

Aparently being renamed ‘Poképark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure’ in the west, the game sees you playing as Pikachu in a Giant Pokémon themed Amusmant park. Unfortunatly little Pikachu cant ride on the rides, not without a little help from other Pokémon, so Pikachu’s goal is to find other Pokémon, become friends with them (by playing mini games) and using thier help, ride on all the rides in the park. No release date has been set for the game, but rumours are that Australia will see the game in June – hopefully both the USA and Europe will also see the game around the same time.

That’s all we have for now, hopefully we’ll update this with a video of the Pokémon Sunday footage soon, otherwise we’ll bring you another update when we learn about something. In the meantime, head on over to the forums and join in the Generation 5 discussion, or talk about anything else on the site.

Pokemon.co.jp website update

It seems Game Freak/Nintendo are keeping their cards close to their chest when it comes to Pokémon Black/White although this is rather unsurprising. Much like the recent Pokémon Sunday, the latest update of the official Japanese Pokémon website has failed to yield anything new. Rather they have simply uploaded clearer pictures of the screenshots featured in CoroCoro. We’ve made a new gallery for Pokémon Black/White and added them all, take a look!

Rural TownBridge over the overpassCity shotPokémon Centre interiorInside a caveBattle shot

Pokémon Video Game Championship Tournament locations revealed

The Pokémon Video Game Championship, for those who don’t know, is a tournament where Pokémon trainers from all over the world (and by world, they mean the US, Japan and western Europe) get together and tough it out to see who is really the greatest Pokémon master of all. The Elite Four’s got nothing on this.

Pokémon Video Game Championship Series logo

Do you have what it takes to be the very best, like no-one ever was?

Not only that, but they’re giving away a shiny Eevee! What more reason do you need to go? I’m sure your teacher/boss will understand (they’ll probably be there themselves). Listed below are the locations for the tournaments. Hit the jump afterwards if you’re interested in reading up on the new rules.

North America

May 8, Seattle, WA—Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
May 15, San Francisco, CA—San Mateo County Event Center
May 22, Phoenix, AZ—Phoenix Convention Center
May 29, Dallas, TX—Arlington Convention Center
June 5, Atlanta, GA—Gwinnett Center
June 12, New York, NY—Meadowlands Exposition Center
June 25, Indianapolis, IN * —Indianapolis Convention Center
*Last Chance Qualifier for Nationals


May 29, Birmingham, United Kingdom—National Exhibition Center
June 5, Cologne, Germany—Pullman Hotel
June 12, Lyon, France—Cite Centre de Congres
June 19, Madrid, Spain—IFEMA Feria de Madrid

World Championship

August 13, Kona, HI *—Hilton Waikoloa Village

*Last Chance Qualifier for World Championships

Continue reading

Celebi Movie Download Confirmed

It’s good news for those in Japan and semi good news for the rest of us. Leaked info from this months CoroCoro magazine reveals that Pokémon fans heading to see Ruler of Illusions Zoroark will be able to download a special Celebi to their carts.

One of the rarer and harder to obtain legendary Pokémon, especially in the UK, Celebi will come in the standard Cherish Ball and have Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, Recover and Healing Wish as it’s move set.
The Celebi, which is holding a Jaboca Berry, will unlock a special event in HeartGold and SoulSilver which involves you travelling through time into the past, learning more about you rival and Team Rocket and a battle with former Team Rocket boss Giovanni upon your return to the present.

Also revealed in CoroCoro were some more details on the Pre-order Download of the Shiny Legendary Dogs. By Pre-ordering your tickets to the 13th movie, you will be able to download one of these shiny dogs from Pokémon Centers across Japan. Previously we learnt about one of the moves each Dog would know, now two more have been added to each list.

Entei will now know Howl and Crush Claw along with the previously known Flare Blitz
Suicune will have Air Slash and Aqua Ring alongside Sheer Cold
and along with knowing Zap Cannon, Raikou will have Aura Sphere and Weather Ball.
The dogs will be holding a Custap berry, a Rowap Berry and a Micle Berry respectivly.

The Shiny Dogs will be available for download between June 18th and August 31st, while Celebi will be available to download from theatres from the movies release on July 10th until September 30th. Hopefully, either later this year or early next year, the Celebi will make its way into an event in the west, even better would be if the Legendary Dogs were to make it over here as well.

That’s all we have for now, we’ll bring you more news when we learn about it

Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark theme song announced

Japanese website Oricon Style has recently announced details regarding the theme song for the 13th Pokémon movie, Ruler of Illusions: Zoroark, starring so far the only known Pokémon from the 5th generation.

Ruler of Illusions Zoroark movie poster

Ruler of Illusions Zoroark movie poster

The theme song is called “Ice Cream Syndrome” and will be performed by Sukima Switch , a jazz fusion duo. The song has been described as  a “medium-tempo love song” and it has been said the lyrics are supposed to express sad feelings.

Sukima Switch

Japanese duo Sukima Switch

We’ll let you know more as it develops.

No news from Pokémon Sunday

Pokémon Sunday is a popular Japanese TV show which, as the name suggests, airs on Sunday. It mostly shows old Pokémon episodes, but has also been known to break exciting new developments in the Pokémon world. If you keep up with this sort of thing then you’ll know this much already.

What you may not know, and will no doubt be disappointed to hear, is that Pokémon Sunday unfortunately offered us no new information this time around. However, fret not because the Japanese Pokémon website has promised an update on the 15th April and as soon as it does we’ll let you know!

CoroCoro leak reveals new look for Pokémon

So, when you first saw Diamond and Pearl, what did you think of how it looked. The buildings were all in 3D, but it still kind of looked like Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/LeafGreen/FireRed – so it was a little weird, but it was a little cool too… right? Well be prepared for that feeling again, because Black and White looks anything but plain.

As you might be able to see, there’s a bit of a shift in the angle the games played at, giving an almost side on aproach. In the battle screen, you can see a lot more of the Pokémon you’re using giving you a feel that you are truly standing in this battle. In towns, the skyscrapers in the background are clearly towering up into the air, while inside the Pokemon Center it looks a lot more like you’ve personally stepped through the door yourself.

Apart from the camera angle, there’s a lot more revealed in these pictures than at first glance. First, both the Male and Female trainer are shown. The female in the City/Pokemon Center, while the boy is in cave and in the town (the starting town by any chance). Both are wearing baseball caps, although the boy has his on backwards. Both have brown hair, the boys bushy from the sides of his cap, the girls in a ponytail coming out the back of her cap. Boy is wearing blue top, with what looks like a bag on his right side. The girl is in pink, although no bag can be seen.

The Pokémon Center has been completly re-desgined, with what looks like a Poké Mart in built into the building, different style for the nurse (now with brown hair) and a if thats the user PC on the left side of the couter, that’s something else completly redesigned. You’ll also notice that the Mart cleark has a speach bubble, indicating that people talking will now use speech bubbles as aposed to just a generic text box at the bottom of the screen.

Other than the graphical improvements and mentioning that Pokémon Black and Pokémon White will use more 3D, CoroCoro doesnt mention a lot more than that. What it DOES mention though, is that players will be able to use a form of transport never been seen before in the games, one of the pictures has a car in it (its under the bridge), but there’s a lot of modes of transport not been used so far, so it could be anything.

We’ll leave you with some close up shots of the CoroCoro scans, and we hope to bring you more sometime in the next 12 hours as Pokémon Sunday airs in Japan. Dont forget to discuss the new look on our forums, or in the comments below