We’ve now got a guide up for Pokémon Musicals in Pokémon Black/White. While they’re not as involved as contests, your participation is required in them if you wish to complete your Trainer Card and they are a fun distraction from the main game. Given the lack of information on Pokémon Musicals despite the length of time Pokémon Black/White has been out I hope this guide is useful.
Archives: Update
New Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green Section + Pokémon Gold/Silver & Black/White
After the working Pokédex the next most popular option on our poll (located on the right hand menu) is more information on old games. As such I have been doing just that today and have added a Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green section. More information including other games coming soon.
Edit: We now also have a Pokémon Gold/Silver Section.
Edit 2: We’ve also added a Daily/Weekly Events page to our Pokémon Black/White Game Guides section.
PHPokédex – Pokemon Black/White Pokedex – Finally Released!
As the most requested addition to the site I am proud to present The Pika Club’s very own fully functioning Pokédex, called the PHPokédex. This has been in the works for literally years ( work started around Gen III) so both myself and WhoKnows_WhoCares are very relieved that this thing is finally live.
Being live of course does not mean being completed – it is far from done! But it does contain arguably the most valuable data you could want from a Pokédex and it’s fully up to date for Pokémon Black/White. Enjoy and let us know what you think!
Another ‘mini’ Adoption Agency update!
These updates are turning out to not be so mini but the Adoption Agency has just got a new feature!
You can now own your very own ranch which allows you to put Pokémon out to graze where they will earn exp every hour they are out. It’s fully upgradable and customisable too, so there’s plenty to do!
Adoption Agency v1.4 Update
The Pika Club Adoption Agency has recently been updating to v1.4, 5 days ahead of schedule! This new update includes:
- Boxes – You can now create multiple customisable boxes in order to help organise your Pokémon. You’re also able to share and show off these boxes so your friends can see your collection!
- Generational Pokémon – You’re now able to catch Pokémon from different generations, complete with the correct sprites! Currently only Generation I and Generation V Pokémon are supported but more will come in future updates!
- Tabulated Profiles – Your profile now includes tabs so visitors can not only view your party but also your boxes and unlocked achievements!
- More Pokémon and achievements – What it says on the tin!
Enjoy this latest update, the next one should be in summer sometime around June/July!
Global link now live… and other stuff (updated)
Good news – the global link is now active and available for use by everybody around the world. By syncing your game with the site using the c-gear, you can access the dream world letting you catch pokemon not available in Black/White normally, along with getting pokemon with abilities they would normally have. There are other things you can do on the global link, which our forthcoming guide will explain.
In order to access the Global Link, you’ll need a Pokemon Trainer Club account, which you can get from pokemon.com – you can also access the global link from here, so its really the only url you need to rememeber. Check out our guide found in the black and white section of the site for more info (also can be found from the link to the left)
In other news, that i’ve not been able to update for the last couple of days (sorry about that)
The US website for Black and White has announced that Toy’s R Us is holding an event April 27th and May 31st that will allow you to get a secret egg. The egg is the same one that was given away in Japan several months ago, which was done to coincide with Ash getting an egg in the Anime Series. The pokemon you get inside has nothing to do with the pokemon that’s in Ash’s Egg (that was given away seperatly in Japan) but it does link in with the Anime Series anyway. Inside the egg is one of 3 pokemon, you’ll get one of them randomly and you have no idea which you’ll get when you download the egg. The 3 possibilities you could get are Ash’s Pidove, Cilian’s Pansage or Iris’s Axew. Each will come with 4 preset moves, a preset nature and one of thier IV’s at its maximum level. Over in the UK, we havent missed many of the events that have ended up in America in the past few years, but whether this event will come out over here is currently unknown.
The Liberty Pass event that allows you to get Victini has been extended in Europe. It was due to end on April 22nd but has been extended till April 27th. America’s event was due to end on the 10th of Arpil, but while it hasnt officially been annoucned as being extended, it still seems to be ongoing. It may be available until April 27th as well, but if you havent got it you may just want to try and download it right now.
Speaking of Victini, the Victini being given away as a Pre-order bonus for the latest Pokemon Movie in Japan has had its details announced, available from April 16th until August 31st, Anybody who pre-orders thier movie tickets will be able to get a level 50 Victini, holding a Fire Gem in a Cherish Ball and has a Wish Ribbon (meaning it cant be traded on the GTS) – it will know V-Create and Searing Shot, along with Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt, the signiture moves for Reshiram and Zekrom. No word yet on what, if anything, will be handed out to the people who go to Movie itself.
And that’s all we have for you right now – we’ll bring you more info when we know it
Global Link Promotion and TCG Training Aid
Ok, So here’s something you need to know. Remeber The Global Link Site, which links up your Black and White game with some stuff on your computer (including battle stats and the Dream World), it was due to be released internationally tomorow but has been delayed due to the ongoing problems in Japan. Anyway, before it was released in Japan last year, they ran a promotion where you played a game, and at the end got to pick an Eeveelution. When the Site when live, you would get this pokemon when you synced up your game to the site…
Well its now available to all use International users too…
The Eeveelution that you get comes with a different ability than they can usually get. Most Pokémon now can have a 3rd ability which can only be got through other means beyond getting them randomly in game. Mostly this will be from the dream world, although there are 2 pokemon you can encounter and get their Hidden/Dream World ability in game, Daramanitan and Mushrana… these are special encounters though and wont be found randomly
The Eeveelutions you can get, and the abilities they have are:
Vaporeon – Hydration
Jolteon – Quick Feet
Flareon – Guts
Espeon – Magic Bounce
Umbreon – Inner Focus
Leafeon – Chlorophyll
Glaceon – Ice Body
Vist Pokemon.com for more info on this offer and how to access the game you need to play
While your there, you might like to try the TCG training aid. This program lets you play the TCG game against a computer opponet. At the moment you can only chose from 3 theme decks, based on Meganium, Typhlosion and Feraligatr… When the Black and White TCG theme decks are made available next month, they’ll have a code inside them allowing you to use those decks in the program as well. By this september/october, the program will have all cards within the modified format available for you to build your decks with, and allow player vs player matches as well – allowing all those of us who dont have many physical players to play against to try out TCG decks against proper thinking opponents.
The program currently uses Rule updates that will be introduced once the Black and White TCG set is released next month
You’ll need a Trainer Club ID to access both the TCG training aid and the Global Link Site when it launches… Head to Pokemon.com to get yours now
More Pokémon Black/White Guides
We’ve been busy updating our Pokémon Black/White section today and we plan to have more guides up in the next coming days to help you along while you play Black/White. We’ve also added a menu section devoted to them on the left of each page to make them more easily accessible.
Some of the new pages include:
Look out for more to come in the near future!
Hey look… Stuff!
Wow, nothing’s actually happened for a few days, interestingly
But hey, tomorow is the European release of Pokémon Black and White… and Sunday see’s it out in the USA
So, we’ve been making some helpful pages for your assistance, and here’s a few things you might need to know for Black and White
First up, here’s an Unova Pokédex, giving some details on all the new Pokémon from Black and White
Want to know all the new abilities in the game? Well you wan’t this page
There’s a lot of new moves Pokémon can learn now… and on this page you can learn what they’re called and what they do
Want to know what the new Gym Leaders have ready and waiting for you? Here’s our Gym Leader and Elite 4 Page detailing just that
On the forums we have our a Black/White section for you to discuss the games… and on there is This Important Topic which details how to use your new Shiny Legendary Dogs and recent event Celebi to unlock Zoroark and Zorua in B/W… its a little different than you might think so you may want to check it out… then check out other Black/White topics or make your own.
We’ve got more Black/White stuff on the way, including an update to all the forums defualt Avatars which should be happening over the weekend… got an idea for an article on Black/White? PM WhoKnows_WhoCares on the forums or post it on the Ideas/Suggestions forum and we’ll see what we can do
That’s all we’ve got for you right now, we hope you really enjoy playing Black and White and we’ll bring you more news when we learn it