Don’t get too excited, its not like its a free Pokémon download or anything. But Nintendo of America has finally announced the American Release Date for Pokémon Black and White. Sunday the 6th of March 2011 will be the day all Americans will be able to finally play the superb Black and White Versions. Make sure you mark that date down now, and you pre-order it the next chance you get. We don’t know the European date yet, but based on last years schedule of HG/SS – it wasnt far off that… we’ll bring you more on that when we know it.
In Celebration of announcment of the release date, has updated with a lot of new English names – including one i predicted long before Generation 5 was even anounced. Back in August 2009 (long before Black/White was announced) i suggested that the next professor should be a feamle prof named Juniper… Well, now presenting Professor Juniper!

Juniper is the Main Professor of the Unova region. She’ll give you the customary ‘what are Pokémon’ talk at the begining of the game, along with presenting you with your pokedex.
It looks like a lot more Pokémon this time around are keeping thier Japanese name, Here’s Munna, who in English is now called Munna

The Dream Eater Pokemon, a Psychic type, stands 2’00” tall and weighs 51.4lbs – It has the Forewarn or the Syncronize abilities. It knows a new move which is keeping its Japanese name of Telekinesis
Next up, what used to be Mamepato:

Now called Pidove, the Tiny Pigeon Pokémon, its a Normal/Flying type standing at 1’00” and weighs 4.6lbs. It has the Super Luck ability or a new one called Big Pecks (was Pidgeon Heart in Japanese)
Remember Meguroc? Well it too got a new English name

This is now Sandile, The Desert Croc Pokémon, a Ground/Dark type. Its 2’04” tall and its weight is 33.5lbs. It has either the Intimidate or a new ability Moxie (was Overconfident in Japanese)
This used to be Shimama:

Now its Blitzle, the Electrified Pokémon, an Electric Pokémon. Its 2’07” and weighs 65.7lbs. It has either the Lightingrod or Motor Drive abilities. Its Wild Bolt attack has been renamed Wild Charge
Shown by the Prof at the begining of the game, Chillarmy has a new name:

Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon, is a normal type. Its 1’04” tall and weighs 12.8lbs. It can have either the Cute Charm or Technician Abilities. its attack Sweep Slap has now been renamed Tail Slap
Simply called Gear in Japanese, this pokemon has had a slight rename to…

Klink, the Gear Pokémon, a Steel Pokémon. Its 1’00” tall and weighs 46.3lbs. It has either the Plus or Minus abilities
Hihidaruma also has had a name change

Daramanitan, the Blazing Pokémon, a Fire Type. Its 4’03” and weighs 204.8lbs. Its ability was known as Encourage but is now Sheer Force
A slight name change for Gigaith

Gigalith, the Compressed Pokémon, a Rock type. Its stands at 5’07” and weighs 573.2lbs. It has the Sturdy Ability
Lastly, a Location’s name. The big Port city was called Hiun City in Japan, its the location of the 3rd Gym and is the place where you can get a boat to the place where Victini lies (if you’ve got the liberty ticket). This place is now called Castelia City

And that’s Everything the microsite has updated with. There was a piece of news just before Christmas on the English names for the elemental monkeys, but its not comfirmed. Box Art has apparently leaked, which on the back has a picture of the 3 monkeys in battle, with the names for Yanappu, Baoppu and Hiyappu as Pansage, Pansear, Panpour respectivly. However these names arent confirmed. The person who leaked the box art also said the release date of Black and White was going to be April 16th, which we know isnt true so its really up to you if you want to beleive them or not. Until they’re confirmed, this Site wont be using those names for the Elemental Monkeys
And That’s all we have for you… we’ll bring you more news when we learn it