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Ok, so this is what happens every month. Scans from CoroCoro magazine, which isn’t officially released until this weekend, have surfaced on some Japanese image boards (which is how we learn and get a hold of them)
As predicted, they have revealed all about our mystery silhouetted Pokémon, and a whole lot more as well. They’ve not only show its picture, but given its name, type, height, weight, species… AND it’s pre-evolved form as well.

The Pokémon on the left is from the shadow, called Zoroark it’s described as the ‘Monster Fox Pokémon’. It’s 1.6m tall (about 5’ 2”), and weighs 81.1kgs (about 179lbs). The Pre-Evo, Zorua, is on the right, it’s an ‘Evil Fox Pokémon’ and is only 0.7m tall (about 2’ 3”) and 12.5kgs (about 28lbs) in weight. Both are Dark Types (Zorua will most likely be pure Dark Type, Zoroark may become Dark & Something else, but for now, we just know it’s a Dark Type)
Zoroark (and possibly its pre-evo form), will feature in the 13th Pokémon movie, which has now been re-titled Phantom Champion Zoroark (or Ruler of Illusions Zoroark, which ever translation you want to go with… probably doesn’t matter as it will get changed when it finally comes out in English anyway). The movie is scheduled for release on July 10th in Japan.
In Other CoroCoro revealing news, the magazine brings more details about the new Ranger Game, Tracks of Light, due for release in Japan on March 6th. Between the games release and May 17th, there will be 2 Special Missions available, One involving a Deoxys (which apparently can only be played in multiplayer), the mission sees you chasing a Deoxys who changes forms, the Form you catch is the one that you can send across to HG/SS. CoroCoro reveals this month that if you catch the Attack form, it will know Meteor Mash, while it will know Detect if you get the defence form. The second mission running from March 6th will be a Manaphy Egg Mission, similar to those featured in the last 2 ranger games.
From March 18th until May 17th another 2 Special Missions will be available. One sees you out to catch a Shaymin Sky Frome, while the other sees you after a Heatran. The Heatran will know Eruption when it gets onto a HG or SS Cart.
The only other Ranger news CoroCoro revealed was a new character called Banema, who will help customise your capture styler and help you learn new Ranger Signs. If you missed one of our earlier news articles about it, Ranger Signs are special shapes you make with the styler that will allow you to call certain Pokémon to you. Amongst others, you’ll be able to call the legendary dogs, which are needed to overcome certain obstacles.
That’s all we have for now, We’ll leave you with the other couple of pages from CoroCoro showing the new Pokémon, and you can drop by the new Gen 5 topic on the forums to talk about it HERE… we’ll bring you more info when its released