No news from Pokémon Sunday

Pokémon Sunday is a popular Japanese TV show which, as the name suggests, airs on Sunday. It mostly shows old Pokémon episodes, but has also been known to break exciting new developments in the Pokémon world. If you keep up with this sort of thing then you’ll know this much already.

What you may not know, and will no doubt be disappointed to hear, is that Pokémon Sunday unfortunately offered us no new information this time around. However, fret not because the Japanese Pokémon website has promised an update on the 15th April and as soon as it does we’ll let you know!

CoroCoro leak reveals new look for Pokémon

So, when you first saw Diamond and Pearl, what did you think of how it looked. The buildings were all in 3D, but it still kind of looked like Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/LeafGreen/FireRed – so it was a little weird, but it was a little cool too… right? Well be prepared for that feeling again, because Black and White looks anything but plain.

As you might be able to see, there’s a bit of a shift in the angle the games played at, giving an almost side on aproach. In the battle screen, you can see a lot more of the Pokémon you’re using giving you a feel that you are truly standing in this battle. In towns, the skyscrapers in the background are clearly towering up into the air, while inside the Pokemon Center it looks a lot more like you’ve personally stepped through the door yourself.

Apart from the camera angle, there’s a lot more revealed in these pictures than at first glance. First, both the Male and Female trainer are shown. The female in the City/Pokemon Center, while the boy is in cave and in the town (the starting town by any chance). Both are wearing baseball caps, although the boy has his on backwards. Both have brown hair, the boys bushy from the sides of his cap, the girls in a ponytail coming out the back of her cap. Boy is wearing blue top, with what looks like a bag on his right side. The girl is in pink, although no bag can be seen.

The Pokémon Center has been completly re-desgined, with what looks like a Poké Mart in built into the building, different style for the nurse (now with brown hair) and a if thats the user PC on the left side of the couter, that’s something else completly redesigned. You’ll also notice that the Mart cleark has a speach bubble, indicating that people talking will now use speech bubbles as aposed to just a generic text box at the bottom of the screen.

Other than the graphical improvements and mentioning that Pokémon Black and Pokémon White will use more 3D, CoroCoro doesnt mention a lot more than that. What it DOES mention though, is that players will be able to use a form of transport never been seen before in the games, one of the pictures has a car in it (its under the bridge), but there’s a lot of modes of transport not been used so far, so it could be anything.

We’ll leave you with some close up shots of the CoroCoro scans, and we hope to bring you more sometime in the next 12 hours as Pokémon Sunday airs in Japan. Dont forget to discuss the new look on our forums, or in the comments below

New Gen 5 Games Announced

Within the next 48 hours, both CoroCoro magazine and Pokémon Sunday are due to reveal information about the new DS Pokémon games being released later this year. But the recently redesigned Japanese Pokémon Website has just announced the names for the forthcoming games.

Soon Pokemon fans will be playing Pokémon Black and Pokémon White.

New Logo

We’ll bring you more details on the games as soon as it’s released, but for now, either drop by the forums or use the updated comments system to tell us what you think

Thoughts on Pokémon HG/SS

Since the release of Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver recently it’s likely that Pokémon news is going to dry up for a bit. However, that doesn’t mean there has to be any down time here!

Now that Pokémon HG/SS has been out for at least a few weeks in all regions it seems like the perfect time to introduce our new comments system. Now you can comment and share with your friends using your Facebook or Twitter account, follow other commenters, rate comments and have threaded discussions! Why not give it a try? What do you like about Heart Gold/Soul Silver? What do you hate about it? Click the comment button at the bottom of this article and share your thoughts on it with the community!

WARNING! Fake Copies of Heart Gold in Circulation

EDITED 27/03 with new info, see bottom of article.
Thanks to my buddy Toothache for the heads up on this. A Dutch site insidegamer has posted a blue screen glitch is occuring in copies of Heart Gold. This is the result of the game being a fake copy of the game. The following is directly translated (badly) from

News | March 23, 2010 – The release of Pokemon Gold Heart is under an employee of Inter Toys indefinitely postponed by an error somewhere. According Intertoys appears a bluescreen while playing. This makes it impossible for the game at all for the first time to start without error in the following image.

We can confirm that from my own research Heart Gold indeed an error on startup. The error message displayed stored data can not be read to the Nintendo DS and restart, the same message back into view. Soul Silver is doing as far as we have to test it properly.

We have contacted Nintendo Benelux, but they can not yet confirm this bug. At present there is still no confirmation from Nintendo on the postponement of Pokemon Gold Heart. We hope as soon as possible to get clarification from Nintendo.

Its scary how quickly fake copies of the game has come out, and that they are in curculation. Basically the copies use an imported ROM version of the game which breaks down on the cart, causing it to be unplayable (thus the message).

Basically be carefull where you buy your copy of HeartGold (or SoulSilver for that matter, although that’s not effected yet) – make sure its a recognised shop and you will be able to go back to it if anything goes wrong, especially on the Internet. Be very careful with Ebay, as that is where the fakes turn up quickly and easily. If your in the UK, Roy’s Toys is a good place to buy from, plus TPC visitors can get 10% off when pre-ordering by using the promo code TPC4EVER at the checkout, but you better be quick – the game is released Friday.

EDIT 27/3: as Sol has pointed out in the comments, it turns out this isnt a problem of fake copies (although fakes can and will cause the same problem). Nintendo of Europe yesterday posponed the release of the games in Netherlands and other dutch speaking areas, and recalled any early dutch copies as they are causing an error where they dont detect save files. All other languages do not seem to be affected.

Nintendo Revals New Handheld System

Today (or yesterday if you’re in Japan) Nintendo revealed some details about a new Handheld system they plan to have released in Japan by this time next year (or end of March 2011 if you want a specific time frame).

Currently known as the Nintendo 3DS, the system will allow the player to experiance games in 3D (do you see what they’ve done with the name there). While not much is known about the console yet, it is said that the games will be in 3D without the player needing to wear any special glasses, and that it will be fully backwards compatible with the DS and DSi games (although are there any actual DSi games out there, cause I’ve never seen one).

The current rumour is that the system will be able to create an illusion of depth based on the position of your head, which it picks up via a special sensor detecting head movement. This rumour has come about based on an interveiw from Satoru Iwata who said the next DS should be able to “read the movement of people playing”

Nintendo is due to unvaile the console and more details at E3 in June. We’ll bring you more news when we know it. In the meantime, dont forget to swing by the Forums and post, especially if you wish to discuss Heart Gold and Soul Silver

Get 10% off HG/SS plus a free Pokémon figurine!

Nintendo specialist Roy’s Toys has teamed up with The Pika Club to offer TPC users a very special promo for our UK readers. With Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver just around the corner you can pre-order your copy now and receive 10% off as a TPC reader by using the promo code ‘TPC4EVER’ at checkout. Not only that, you get a free Pokémon figurine for pre-ordering!Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Special Promotion

Take a Walk through the Yellow Forest from April

With the release of Heart Gold and Soul Silver yesterday in the States, the official HG/SS microsite has updated on the US side to be the full site. There isn’t much to look at and no information that we don’t already know, but it has revealed the Pokewalker Course ‘The Yellow Forest’ and how to unlock it.

Connecting to the Mystery Gift Wi-Fi (with eithe HG or SS) between April 1st and April 30th (that’s the whole month) you’ll be able to get this course unlocked on you game cart. This special course features nothing but Pikachu to catch, but all of them have different move sets, including one that knows Surf and another that knows Fly.

It’s unknown if this will be available in Europe and Australia at the same time, although based off previous Wi-Fi events it should be. The European and Australian side of the microsite should open up when the games are released in those regions. If the sites then reveal they are to be available on different dates, we’ll let you know.

Don’t forget to drop by the forums to talk about HG and SS, especially if you’ve got a question. We’ll bring you more news when we learn it

Shiny Legendary Dogs heading for Japan

This months CoroCoro magazine has been released and it contains some post worthy news (which is good because we’ve had nothing to report for a while now)

While there is no details on the new games being released this year (although it does say they will be revealed next month, so details should appear soon), they have detailed the pre-order gift for the latest Pokemon Movie.

Pre-order tickets to see the movie and you’ll be able to download Shiny versions of the legendary dogs, Raikou, Entai and Suicune. Along with being shiny, these three will each know a move they wouldn’t otherwise, Zap-Canon for Raikou, Flare Blitz for Entai while Suicune gets Sheer Cold.

No details on if these three will unlock a special event in HG/SS or if they will make their way over to the west

more when we know it